Les partenaires d’IBJ
Les réalisations d’IBJ ont été possibles, dans une large mesure, grâce au solide réseau que nous avons construit au fil des ans. Nous souhaitons donc reconnaître et remercier chacun de nos partenaires pour leur soutien dévoué à notre mission mondiale !
Partenaires généraux
- Abusua Foundation
- Advocacy Forum
- Afghanistan Human Rights Organization (AHRO)
- Afghanistan Independent Bar Association (AIBA)
- African Democracy Forum
- African HIV in Prisons Partnership Network
- AIDS Law Project
- AIDSPortal
- Alliance of Independent Journalists
- American Bar Association Rule of Law Initiative – Ecuador and Mexico
- Ashoka
- Asian Philanthropy Forum
- Association of NGOs against Trafficking of Persons in Central Asia
- Bangladesh Institute of Human Rights
- Be in Vision Pakistan
- Bilal Law Associates
- Centro Latinoamericano de Administración para el Desarrollo CILIC
- Columbia Law School
- Committee for Social Justice
- CUNY School of Law
- Echoing Green
- EDUCAF Cameroon
- Egyptian Center for Women’s Rights
- Eurasia Partnership Foundation
- Funds for NGOs.org
- Global Youth Action Network
- GlobalGiving
- Hispanic National Bar Association
- Howard League for Penal Reform
- Hugh Wooding Law School
- Human Rights Education Institute of Burma
- “Human Rights XXI Century – Azerbaijan” Foundation
- Humanitarian Legal Assistance Foundation
- i-Genius
- Independent Thought
- Inter-American Commission on Human Rights
- Inter-American Development Bank Solidarity Program
- Israel Bar Association
- Justice For All Organization
- Justicia Penal Ecuador
- Kanesalingam & Co.
- Kyrgyz Committee for Human Rights
- Lahore High Court Bar Association
- LBH Masyarakat: Community Legal Aid Institute
- Legal Rights Forum
- Levi Strauss Foundation
- Ms. JDMs
- Mubashir Bhutta Human Rights
- NABUUR – The Global Neighbor Network
- 1-Focus International
- Open Society Institute Assistance Foundation: Tajikistan
- Pakistan Lawyers Foundation
- Payap University, Institute of Religion, Culture, and Peace
- Peace and Collaborative Development Network
- Penal Reform International, Central Asia Office
- Pine Tree
- Preda Foundation
- Prison Reform Trust
- Prisoners Assistance Nepal
- Pro Victimis
- Proyecto ACCESO
- Public Interest Law Institute
- Qadir Foundation
- Red Argentina para la Cooperación Internacional
- Singapore Management University School of Law
- Social Edge
- Southeast Asia Media Defence Legal Network
- Southern Africa Litigation Centre
- Supreme Court of Mongolia
- Uganda Management Assistance Program
- United Nations Development Programme, Jordan
- Universidad de Chile, Centro de Derechos Humanos
- Universidad Nacional de Asunción
- University of the Pacific, Global Center for Social Entrepreneurship
- University of the Pacific, Inter-American Program
- University of the Pacific, Legal Structure and International Justice Institute
- Women of Uganda Network (WOUGNET)
- Women’s Foundation of Nepal
- World Justice Project
- Zimbabwe Human Rights NGO Forum
Les partenaires des programmes nationaux
- Association Burundaise pour la Protection des Droits Humains et des Personnes Détenues (APRODH)
- Burundi Bar Association
- Bar Association of the Kingdom of Cambodia
- East-West Management Institute
- Ministry of Interior, General Department of Prisons
- Ministry of Justice
- Samreth Law Group
- Vishnu Law Group
- All China Lawyers Association – Criminal Defense Committee Website
- Beijing Shangquan Law Firm
- Chinese Committee for Clinical Legal Education (CCCLE)
- Democracy and Rule of Law Magazine
- Embassy of France
- Little Bird
- Peking University Law School
- Sichuan Legal Aid, Migrant Workers Station
- Tenet & Associates Law Firm
- Yipai Public Interest Team
Northwest Defender Resource Center
- Female Legal Workers’ Association
- Fengrui Law Firm
- Northwest University of Politics and Law
- Shaanxi Bar Association
- Shaanxi Boshuo Law Firm
- Shaanxi Provincial Legal Aid Center
- Shaanxi Provincial Women’s Federation
- Shaanxi Shangwen Law Firm
- Shaanxi Zhiben Law Firm
- Shaanxi Zhongbang Law Firm
- Xincheng District Procuratorate
- Xu Xiaoping Law Firm
Southeast Defender Resource Center
- Center for Protection of the Rights of Disadvantaged Citizens
- Hankou College
- Hongshan District Bureau of Justice
- Hubei Lawyers Association (Criminal Law Division)
- Jintian Law Firm
- Rizhao Legal Aid Center
- Shandong Tianlan Law Firm
- Southeast University Law School
- Wuhan City Bureau of Justice
- Wuhan University School of Law, Public Interest and Development Law Institute
- Wuhan University School of Law, Research Center for Criminal Law
- Xiamen University Law School, Legal Aid Center
- Zhejiang University Law School
Republique Democratique du Congo
- Action pour la Promotion et la Défense des Droits des Personnes Défavorisées (APRODEPED)
- Agence suédoise de coopération internationale au développement (ASDI)
- Bukavu United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
- Congolese National Radio-Television-Bukavu
- Global Affairs Canada
- Lawyers Without Borders/Avocats Sans Frontières (ASF)
- Ministry of Justice
- Radio Maendeleo
- Search for Common Ground
- South Kivu Ministry of Justice, Civil Service and Human Rights
- The American Bar Association (ABA)
- The Faculty of Law of the Catholic University of Bukavu
- The United Nations Joint Human Rights Office (UNJHRO)
- The United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (MONUSCO)
- TRIAL International
- Vision Sociale
East African Community
- East African Law Society
- Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative (CHRI)
- Delhi Prisons
- Rajasthan Prisons
- Union Territory of Pondicherry Legal Services Authority (UTPLSA)
- Indonesia Bar Association
- MyJustice of British Council Myanmar
- Kigali Bar Association
- Legal Aid Forum
- Ministry of Justice
- Law Society of Singapore
- Ministry of Foreign Affairs
- National University of Singapore, Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy
- Care at the Core of Humanity Trust (CATCH Trust)
- Law Society of Zimbabwe
- Legal Resources Foundation
- Zimbabwe Association for Crime Prevention and Rehabilitation of the Offender (ZACRO)