Selected key donors include:

Our partners: 2000 to present
- A4ID, United Kingdom
- Abusua Foundation
- Action pour la Promotion et la Défense des Droits des Personnes Défavorisées (APRODEPED)
- Action psycho socio éducative en faveur des enfants et adultes en conflit avec la loi, APEC
- Advocacy Forum, Nepal
- Afghanistan Human Rights Organization (AHRO)
- Afghanistan Independent Bar Association (AIBA)
- African Democracy Forum
- African HIV in Prisons Partnership Network
- African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States (ACP Group)
- Agence suédoise de coopération internationale au développement (ASDI)
- AHAM Humanitarian Resource Centre, Trincomalee
- AIDS Law Project
- AIDSPortal
- Aleppo Bar Association
- All China Lawyers Association, China
- All Souls Church
- Allen & Gledhill LLP
- Allen & Overy
- Alliance of Independent Journalists
- American Bar Association Rule of Law Initiative (ABA-ROLI)
- American Chamber of Commerce in Singapore
- American Express Travel Services
- Apax Foundation
- Ashoka
- Ashurst
- Asia Justice And Rights (AJAR)
- Asian Philanthropy Forum
- Aspen Institute
- Assistance Program
- Association Burundaise pour la Défense des droits des Prisonniers (ABDP)
- Association des Femmes Juristes du Burundi.
- Association des Juristes Catholiques du Burundi (AJCB)
- Association tunisienne des jeunes Avocats
- Association of Criminal Lawyers, Singapore
- Association of NGOs against Trafficking of Persons in Central Asia
- Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID)
- Australian Embassy, Beijing
- Australian Embassy, Myanmar
- Avocats Sans Frontières (ASF)
- BABSEACLE, Myanmar
- Bago Region Bar Association
- Bahrain Center for Human Rights
- Bangladesh Institute of Human Rights
- Bar Association of Jaffna
- Bar association of Jafna (Sri Lanka)
- Bar Association of Kandy
- Bar Association of Mannar
- Bar Association of Sri Lanka (national)
- Bar Association of Trincomalee
- Bar Association of Vavuniya
- Bar Association, Cambodia
- Bar Council of Delhi
- Barreau du Sud-Kivu
- BBVA Compass
- Be in Vision Pakistan
- Beifang Minorities University, China
- Beijing Migrant Workers Legal Aid, China
- Beijing Shangquan Law Firm, China
- Beijing Zhongze Women’s Legal Consulting Services Center, China
- Belgian Technical Cooperation in Burundi, Budundi
- Belgium Embassy, Rwanda
- Belmatech SA
- Bennet University, The Times Group, Noida, India
- Bertram Pohl Foundation
- Book Aid International
- Boston University, USA
- BPHN of Ministry of Human Rights and Law
- Braveheart Foundation (Yangon, Mandalay)
- Bridgeway Foundation
- British Council, Myanmar
- British Embassy, Beijing
- British High Commission, Kigali
- British High Commission, Singapore
- Broadwell Foundation
- Bukavu Bar Association
- Bukavu Central Prison
- Bukavu United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
- Burundi Bar Association, Burundi
- Cambodian Center for Human Rights (CCHR)
- Cambodian Human Rights Action Committee (CHRAC)
- Cambodian Human Rights and Development Association (ADHOC)
- Cambodian League for the Promotion and Defense of Human Rights (LICADHO)
- Cambodian Women’s Crisis Center (CWCC)
- Capital Group
- Care at the Core of Humanity (CATCH)
- Center on Democracy, Development, and the Rule of Law (CDDRL)
- Center for Professional Training of Justice (CFPJ)
- Center for Protection of the Rights of Disadvantaged Citizens, Wuhan, China
- Centre for Justice and Change, Trincomalee
- Centre for the Study of Human Rights, University of Colombo
- Centro Latinoamericano de Administración para el Desarrollo CILIC
- Certa Foundation, Rwanda
- Certa Law Firm
- Changi Prison, Singapore
- Chasdrew Foundation
- Chemonics (Mov4Ward), Myanmar
- China Academy of Social Sciences (CASS), China
- China Business Forum, Inc. (CLC)
- China Criminal Clinical Legal Educators (CCCLE), China
- China Law Society, China
- China Police University, Chenyan, China
- China University of Political Science & Law, China
- Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, China
- CIB – Conference Internationale des Barreaux
- Citizen Rights and Development (CRD), Rwanda
- City of Geneva, Switzerland
- Clifford Chance LLP
- Cluster protection Sud-Kivu
- Columbia Law School
- Commision National pour les Réfugiés
- Commission Episcopale Justice et Paix (CEPJ)
- Commission on the Elimination of Violence against Women (KOMNAS Perempuan)
- Commissariat Général en charge de la justice et droits humains
- Committee for Free and Fair Elections in Cambodia (Comfrel), Cambodia
- Committee for Social Justice
- Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative (CHRI), India
- Community Legal Education Center ( CLEC)
- Conférence Internationale des Barreaux (CIB)
- Congolese National Radio-Television-Bukavu
- Conrad Hilton Foundation
- Consulate General of United Kingdom, Burundi
- Cooperation Committee for Cambodia (CCC), Cambodia
- Cooperation Suisse
- Cordes Family Foundation
- Corps des défenseurs judiciaires
- Cottier Donzé Foundation
- Coveni Inc.
- Criminal Justice Group, Delhi
- CUNY School of Law
- Cyberpeace
- Czech holdings
- Dacheng Law Firm, China
- Dalian Lawyers Association, China
- Danish Refugee Council (DRC)
- David Geffen Foundation
- Dechert
- Delegation of the European Union to Indonesia
- Delhi High Court Legal Services Authority, India
- Delhi Legal Services Authority, India
- Delhi Prisons (Tihar Prison), India
- Dell
- Democratic Alliance for Papua (Aliansi Demokrasi untuk Papua)
- Dianheng Law Firm, China
- Dignity in Detendion, DiDe, Rwanda
- Diponegoro University
- District State Legal Service Authority, Kamrup (Metro), Assam
- Division provinciale de la justice SK
- Division provinciale des droits humains SK
- DLA Piper
- Donghu University, China
- Drew & Napier LLC, Singapore
- Drummond-Berk Family Trust
- Dutch Embassy, Beijing
- Dutch Embassy, Burundi
- East Africa Law Society
- East Bay Community Foundation
- East-West Management Institute
- Easy and Possible, Rwanda
- Echoing Green
- Economic Development Board of Singapore
- EDUCAF Cameroon
- Egyptian Center for Women’s Rights
- EIDG. Bern
- Embassy of France in China
- Embassy of France, Beijing, China
- Embassy of Spain, Singapore
- Emmanuel Church, Geneva
- Empower Rwanda (ER)
- Equality Myanmar (Yangon)
- Equitable Cambodia, Cambodia
- Equitas – International Centre for Human Rights Education
- Eurasia Partnership Foundation
- Eurasia Partnership Foundation, Georgia
- EuropeAID, European Union, Belgium
- European Commission (Eu ropeAid), Brussels, Belgium
- European Union Delegation to Rwanda, Kigali
- Fada Law Firm, China
- Fengrui Law Firm, Xian, China
- Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
- Fiducia LLP
- First Unitarian Church, Omaha
- First Unitarian Church, Portland
- Ford Foundation
- Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO), United Kingdom
- Forum tunisien des droits économiques et sociaux
- Fountain Advocates, Singapore
- Free Aleppo Bar Association (FABA)
- French Embassy, Beijing
- Fugar & Company
- Funeng Law Firm, China
- Fuzhou University, China
- Gao Jin Law Firm, China
- Gaziantep Bar Association
- Gems & Jewellery Skill Council of India
- General Inspectorate of National Police, Burundi
- Geneva Academy, Switzerland
- Genius Tags
- Georgetown University, USA
- Global Affairs Canada, Canada
- Global Giving
- Global Inc.
- Global Youth Action Network
- Goldman Sachs
- Gonghe Law Firm, China
- Google Foundation
- Graduate Institute Geneva
- Greenberg Traurig
- Guanghe Law Firm, China
- Guerrand-Hermès Foundation for Peace (GHFP)
- Guilin University of Electronic Technology, China
- Hahidol University, Thailand
- Hampshire Foundation
- Hankou University, China
- Harvard University, USA
- Hasan Kalyoncu University
- Hebei United University, China
- Heilongjiang Administrative Cadre Institute
- Hemet Properties
- Hengping Institute, China
- Herbert Smith Freehils
- Herz Jesu-Kirche, Davos
- Hewlett Packard H. P.
- Hil Foundation
- HILL Think Piece.
- Hispanic National Bar Association
- Hogan Lovells
- Holthues Trust
- Hongshan District Bureau of Justice, China
- Howard League for Penal Reform
- HP company
- Hubei Lawyers Association (Criminal Law Division), China
- Hubei Province Women’s Federation, China
- Hugh Wooding Law School, Trinidad and Tobago
- Human Rights Education Institute of Burma
- Human Rights Office, Kandy
- Human Rights XXI Century – Azerbaijan Foundation, Azerbaijan
- Humanitarian Legal Assistance Foundation
- Hunter Community Legal Center (Australia)
- Hutchinson Black & Cook LLC
- I Do Foundation
- i-Genius
- IDB Solidarity Program
- Idlib Bar Association
- Inara Legal Aid Services (INALAS)
- Independent Investigative Mechanism for Myanmar (IIMM)
- Independent Thought
- India Vision Foundation, India
- Indraprastha College for Women, Delhi, India
- Infinity Foundation, Sweden
- Infomaniak
- Initiatives for Peace and Human Rights (Ipeace), Rwanda
- Institut arabe des droits de l’Homme
- Institute for Legal Practice and Development (ILPD)
- Inter-American Development Bank Solidarity Program
- Interfaith Youth (Bago, Kayin)
- International Bar Association Charitable Trust
- International Committee of Red Cross (ICRC)
- International Drug Policy Consortium IDPC (Regional)
- International Legal Assistance Consortium (ILAC)
- International Legal Foundation (ILF)
- International Rescue Committee (IRC)
- International Senior Lawyers Project
- International Telecommunications Union
- Inzperia International, Pilimathalawa
- iProBono (Regional)
- Israel Bar Association
- Jana Sansadaya (People’s Forum), Panadura
- Jilin Jincheng Law Firm, China
- Jintian Law Firm, China
- Jinwei Law Firm, China
- Jones Day
- Justice Base, Myanmar
- Justice For All, Myanmar
- Justice and Equality Focus (JEF)
- Justice Sector Coordination Bodies
- Justicia Penal Ecuador
- Juvenile Protection Bar Association of Hubei Province, China
- K&L Gates
- Kanesalingam & Co., Malaysia
- Kangda Law Firm, China
- KARAPATAN, The Philippines
- Keli Law Firm, China
- KhattarWong, Singapore
- Khmer HIV/AIDS NGO Alliance (KHANA), Cambodia
- Kigali (Rwanda) Bar Association, Rwanda
- Kilis Bar Association
- King & Spalding
- Kyrgyz Committee for Human Rights
- L’Action des Chrétiens pour l’Abolition de la Torture (ACAT) Burundi
- L’Association Burundaise pour la Protection des Droits Hu- mains et des Personnes Détenues (APRODH)
- l’Association des Femmes Juristes du Burundi.
- la Maison Shalom
- Lahore High Court Bar Association
- Lanka Jathika Sarvodaya Shramadana Sangamaya, Colombo
- Lanzhou Institute of Business, China
- Lanzhou University of Finance and Economics, China
- Latham & Watkins LLP, Singpaore
- Law and Human Rights Centre, Jaffna
- Law Society of Singapore
- Law Society of Zimbabwe
- Lawyers Clearing House
- Lawyers of Hope
- LBH APIK Jakarta
- LBH APIK Jayapura
- LBH APIK Makassar
- LBH Bali
- LBH Jakarta
- LBH Masyarakat: Community Legal Aid Institute, Indonesia
- LBHI, Jakarta
- Leaders’ Quest Ltd
- Legal Aid Center for Migrant-Worker Foundation of Yunnan Province, China
- Legal Aid Commission of Sri Lanka
- Legal Aid Directorate of the Ministry of Justice
- Legal Aid Forum
- Legal Aid of Cambodia (LAC), Cambodia
- Legal Clinic Myanmar (LCM)
- Legal Knowledge Sharing Group LKSG (Mandalay)
- Legal Resources Foundation
- Legal Rights Forum
- Legal Support for Children and Women (LSWC), Cambodia
- Leidar
- Levi Strauss Foundation
- Lexis Nexis Asia
- Lexis Nexis
- Li Lu Humanitarian Foundation
- Lianyu Law Firm
- Liaocheng Public Security Bureau, China
- Liaoyuan Municipal Justice Bureau, China
- Lien Centre for Social Innovation
- Lien Foundation
- Ligue Iteka
- Linklaters
- Little Bird, China
- Local Administrative Councils Unit (LACU)
- Local Development Organization (LDO)
- Luther
- MacArthur Foundation
- Ma Kechang Foundation, Wuhan, China
- Manchester Metropolitan University, UK
- Mandel-Anthony Family Trust
- Mannar Social and Economic Development Organization, Mannar
- Marshall Foundation
- MASUM, West Bengal, India
- Matrix Chambers
- Matrix Chambers Causes Fund
- McArthur Foundation
- Meepura Publications, Negombo
- Meschures Campeas Thompson Snyder Pocras & Levin LLP
- Microsoft
- Migrant Workers Community Center in Pincun Village, China
- Migration & Asylum Project (MAP), India
- Milken Institute
- MINBYUN, South Korea
- Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Cambodia
- Ministry of Interior, Burundi
- Ministry of Interior,Cambodia
- Ministry of Justice, Burundi
- Ministry of Justice, Cambodia
- Ministry of Justice, Kinshasa
- Ministry of Justice (MoJ) of the National Unity Government Myanmar
- Ministry of Justice, Rwanda
- Ministry of Law and Human Rights (Kementerian Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia Republik Indonesia)
- Ministry of Solidarity, Human rights and Gender, Burundi
- Ministry of Women and Children, Indonesia
- Mission d’observation des Droits de l’Homme de l’Union Africaine
- Mubashir Bhutta Human Rights
- MyJustice, Myanmar
- NABUUR – The Global Neighbor Network
- NAMATI, Myanmar
- Nanyang Institute of Technology, China
- National Commission for Human Rights (NCHR)
- National Endowment for Democracy (NED)
- National Forum On Prisons Reforms, India
- National Independent Human Rights Commission (NIHRC), Burundi
- National Law School of India University (NLSIU), Bangalore, India
- National Law University, Delhi, India
- National Legal Aid Centre, Ministry of Justice, China
- National Legal Development Agency (BPHN)
- National Public Prosecutions Authority (NPPA)
- National University of Singapore, Lee Kwan Yew School of Public Policy
- National Youth Council, Singapore
- Network for Good
- NGO Forum, Cambodia
- Noble Justice Association (Mandalay)
- Northeast Agricultural University, China
- Northeastern University, USA
- Northwest University of Political Science & Law, Xi’an, China
- Norton Rose Fullbright
- Oak Foundation
- Observatoire Ineza pour la Protection des Droits de l’enfant au Burundi (OIDEB)
- Office of the Yanta Procuratorate, China
- Olaniwun Ajayi LP
- Olswang
- Open Society Institute (OSI)
- Open Society Justice Initiative
- OP Jindal Global University, Sonipat, India
- Organisation of African, Caribbean and Pacific States (OACPS)
- Pakistan Lawyers Foundation
- Palestinian Centre for Human Rights
- Panlong Youth Justice Pilot Project, China
- Parquet du Tribunal de grande instance de Kavumu
- Parquet du Tribunal de paix de Kabare
- Paul Hastings LLP
- Payap University, Institute of Religion, Culture, and Peace, Thailand
- PAX PRESS, Rwanda
- Peace & Collaborative Development Network
- Peery Foundation
- Penal Reform International, Central Asia Office
- Peking University Law School, China
- Prison Assistance Nepal
- Prison Fellowship Rwanda (PFR)
- Prison Ministry (Ajmer Unit)
- Prison Reform Trust
- Prisoners Assistance Nepal
- PRILM, Myanmar
- Protection of Juvenile Justice (PJJ), Cambodia
- Pro Victimis Foundation
- Providence Law
- Proyecto ACCESO
- Public Interest and Development Law Institute (PIDLI), Wuhan, China
- Public Interest Law Institute
- Qadir Foundation
- Qinghai University of Minorities, China
- Queen’s University Belfast, UK
- Rabindra Bharti University, Kolkatta, India
- Rajah & Tann LLP, Singapore
- Rajasthan Prisons, India
- Rajasthan State Legal Services Authority (RSLSA), India
- Ranches at Belt Creek, Singapore
- RCN Justice et Démocratie
- RDDS Law Firm, China
- Red Argentina para la Cooperacion Internacional
- Reed Smith LLP
- ReedSmith
- Renming(People’s) University, China
- Research Initiative for Social Development (RISD)
- RHTLaw Taylor Wessing
- River Star Foundation
- Rizhao Legal Aid Center, China
- Rodyk & Davidson LLP, Singapore
- Ronzana Radio
- Ropes and Grey
- Rule of Law Centers (IDLO Myanmar)
- Rule of Law Expertise UK (ROLE UK)
- Rwanda Bar Association (RBA)
- Rwanda Correctional Service (RCS)
- Rwanda Men’s Resource Centre (RWAMREC)
- Rwanda Organization for people with Deaf and Blindness (ROPD)
- Samreth Law Group, Cambodia
- Sanliurfa Bar Association
- Saviya Development Foundation, Galle
- SEB Institutioner Stiftelser
- Second Tap Root (Mandalay)
- Sethsarana-Caritas Legal Aid Centre, Colombo
- Shaanxi Bar Association, China
- Shaanxi Boshuo Law Firm, China
- Shaanxi Fazhi Law Firm, China
- Shaanxi Female Legal Worker’s Association, China
- Shaanxi Fengrui Law Firm, China
- Shaanxi Gengmin Law Firm, China
- Shaanxi Lawyers Association, China
- Shaanxi Provincial Legal Aid Center, China
- Shaanxi Provincial Women’s Federation, China
- Shaanxi Qiyi Law Firm, China
- Shaanxi Shangwen Law Firm, China
- Shaanxi Yunde Law Firm, china
- Shaanxi Zhenli Law Firm, China
- Shaanxi Zhiben Law Firm, China
- Shaanxi Zhongbang Law Firm, China
- Shakti Shalini, India
- Shan State Bar Association
- Shandong Haiyang Law Firm, China
- Shandong Tianlan Law Firm, China
- Shangquan Law Firm, China
- Shapeable
- Shearman & Sterling LLP, Singapore
- Shenzhen Lawyers Association, China
- Shenzhen University, China
- Shijiazhuan Procutorate, China
- Shilpa Sayura Foundation, Pilimathalawa
- Sichuan Legal Aid, Migrant Workers Station, China
- Sichuan Zhigao Shoumin Law Firm, China
- Singapore Cooperation Program, Singapore Ministry of Foreign Affairs
- Singapore Council of Women’s Organisations (SCWO)
- Singapore Economic Development Board
- Singapore Management University, Lee Kong Chian School of Business
- SingTel, Singapore
- Sisters at Law, Colombo
- Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP, Paris, France
- Skoll Foundation
- Socental AG
- Social Edge
- Social Welfare Department, Myanmar
- Solidarité de la Jeunesse Chrétienne pour la Paix et l’Enfance (SOJPAE)
- Solidarité pour la Promotion des Droits Humains (SPDH)
- Sorrell foundation
- South and Central Asia Bureau of US Department of State
- Southeast Asia Media Defence Legal Network
- Southeast University Law School, China
- Southern Africa Litigation Centre
- Sphaera
- Spirit in Action, Burundi
- Stand for People Sustainable Development, Rwanda
- Stanford University
- Stichting Oranje fonds
- Sunny Vista Realty, Inc.
- Suoma Flower Foundation, China
- Svenska Handelsbanken
- Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA)
- Swedish Post Code Foundation
- Swiss Developoment Cooperation
- Swiss Embassy, Myanmar
- Swiss Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs (FDFA)
- T. Rowe Price
- Taiwan Fund for Democracy
- Task force justice pénale internationale Sud-Kivu
- Tata Institute of Social Sciences, India
- Taxe CO2
- Tenet & Associates Law Firm, China
- Terre des Hommes (TdH)
- Than Lwin Thitsar (Shan State)
- The Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des Droits de l’Homme (ARDHO)
- The Clifford Chance Foundation, Inc.
- The Good Chocolate Company
- The Institue for Monitoring and Evaluation, Colombo
- Tianchen Law Firm, China
- Tianwaitian Law Firm, China
- Toronto-Dominion Bank
- Trincomalee District Women’s Network, Trincomalee
- TrustLaw (Thompson Reuters Foundation)
- Tsing Hua University Law School, Beijing, China
- Turn Your Concern Into Action (TYCIA), India
- UBS Fund management
- Uganda Management Assistance Program
- Un monde pour tous
- UNICEF Myanmar
- Unified Bar Association (UBA)
- Union Attorney General’s Office (UAGO)
- Union Legal Aid Board
- Union Supreme Court (USC)
- Union Territories of Pondicherry Legal Services Authority (UTPLSA), India
- Unissons nous pour la Promotion des Batwas (UNIPROBA)
- Unitarian Universalist Association of Congregations
- Unitarian Universalist Service Committee
- United Nations Democracy Fund
- Universitas Gadjah Mada
- Universitas Padjadaran
- Université Catholique de Bukavu
- Université de Genève (UNIGE), Switzerland
- University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, China
- University of Western Cape, Dullah Omar Institute
- United Nations Joint Human Rights Office (UNJHRO)
- United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, Cambodia (UNOHCHR)
- United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (MONUSCO)
- United Nations Voluntary Fund for Victims of Torture
- United Parcel Service of America, Inc. (UPS)
- United States Department of State, Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor
- United States Department of State, Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs (USDS-INL)
- Universidad de Chile, Centro de Derechos Humanos, Chile
- Universidad Nacional de Asunción
- University of Montana, Maureen and Mike Mansfield Center, USA
- University of the Pacific, USA
- UNWOMEN Myanmar
- Urumqi Yinshi Law Firm, China
- USAID, Myanmar
- US China Legal Cooperation Fund
- US Embassy, Kigali
- Vance Centre
- VDA, Vieira de Almeida
- Vigilance, Cambodia
- Vishnu Law Group, Cambodia
- Vitt & Rattigan
- WB National University of Juridical Sciences (NUJS), India
- Wei Ni Bian (“Defend for You”) lawyer’s network, China
- West Bengal Correctional Services, India
- West Foundation
- William and Mary Law School, USA
- WISE Partnership
- Women’s Crisis Center Jombang
- Women’s Foundation of Nepal
- Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF)
- Women Organization Network (Kayin, Bago)
- Women of Uganda Network (WOUGNET)
- Women with Disabilities Organization, Rwanda
- World Economic Forum (WEF)
- World Justice Project
- Wuchang Renyi Law Firm, China
- Wuhan City Bureau of Justice, China
- Wuhan University of Science and Technology, China
- Wuhan University School of Law, China
- Xiamen Legal Aid Bureau, China
- Xiamen University Law School, China
- Xianyang Weimin Law Firm, China
- Xincheng District Procuratorate, China
- Xu Xiaoping Law Firm, China
- Yadana Mitta (Mandalay, Shan)
- Yale University, USA
- Yangzhou University School of Law, China
- Yayasan Embun Pelangi Batam
- Yingke Law Firm, China
- Yipai Impact Public Interest Firm, China
- Yiqing Law Firm, China
- Yi Women and Children Development Center, China
- YKCB Cinta
- Young Lawyers Association of Rwanda
- Youth Building in Synergy to end Poverty
- Yulin City Bar Association, China
- Yulin College, China
- Zhejiang University Law School, China
- Zhihui Law Firm, China
- Zhuocheng Law Firm, China
- Zimbabwe Association for Crime Prevention and Rehabilitation of the Offender (ZACRO)
- Zimbabwe Human Rights NGO Forum
- Zimbabwe Women Lawyers Association
- Zimbabwe Young Lawyers Association