IBJ’s Biennial Report 2019-2020

IBJ’s Biennial Report 2017-2018

IBJ’s Biennial Report 2015-2016
IBJ’s Annual Report 2015-2016 “The degree of civilization in a society can be judged by entering its prisons.” Fyodor Dostoyevsky’s words resonate as much today as they did when he first wrote them over...

IBJ’s Biennial Report 2013-2014
IBJ’s Annual Report 2013-2014 “I can look to the thousands of people who have participated in IBJ’s innovative mission, who have given their hearts and minds in the service of others. Our people in the...

IBJ’s Annual Report 2010
IBJ’s Annual Report 2010 “It was with gratitude for the abundance of your faith and support that in 2010 we celebrated the tenth anniversary of International Bridges to Justice. What began in China, where...

IBJ’s Biennial Report 2011-2012
IBJ’s Biennial Report 2011-2012 “Last week we held a ceremony in honor of the courageous human rights defenders who had been visiting from Burundi. Inspired by the journey they’ve embarked upon with IBJ, our partners...