Buhle and his team have been working to transfer a case to the magistrate court that was initially tried in the customary courts. The case involves a woman (the complainant) who followed her partner (the defendant) to the home of another woman with whom he had been having an affair. Upon arriving at the house of the other woman, the complainant was stabbed in the head by the defendant. The complainant reported the attack to the police and was then taken to the hospital, where she was not helped by doctors because the defendant  had left her and her child with no money. The accused was charged with assault and intent to cause grievous bodily harm; however, he was discharged at his hearing in front of the Matsapha Swazi Court. The Court concluded that the stabbing was the fault of the complainant  because she had left the house and gotten herself into trouble that was avoidable.

Buhle and his team felt that justice had not been served to the complainant. Since the hearing, they have been working with a law firm which has agreed to represent the complainant and take on the case pro-bono. As a result, the case will now be tried in front of the magistrate court instead of the customary court, where it had been previously tried.

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