What internship will suit you best?

Which internship will suit you best?

  • location: at IBJ headquarters in Geneva, country programs offices or remotely
  • applications: reviewed on a rolling basis
  • location: at IBJ headquarters in Geneva
  • applications: reviewed on a rolling basis
  • examples of other functions: program development, graphic design and social media
  • applications: reviewed on a rolling basis
My semester working with IBJ in Geneva, Switzerland absolutely shaped my career path and transformed my understanding of what "justice" means.
Carolyn Margulies
I was lucky to start a 5 month internship at IBJ before my law degree. The internship allowed me to work in provinces and explore stunning corners of Cambodia I would never have seen otherwise.
Nastasia Bach
My favorite part of the internship is when I interviewed the JusticeMakers regarding the achievements and struggles of their work.
I consider myself fortunate - IBJ was a beneficial, impactful, and enjoyable experience!
McClain Clotfelter
  • legal and non-legal volunteer work
  • location: online, at IBJ headquarters in Geneva or at country programs offices
  • 1 year fellowships
  • location: at IBJ headquarters in Geneva or at country programs offices
  • we are looking for commited partners to expand in our online space
  • coding, Graphics & Art Designs, and/or Website Development.

Our IBJ Alumni Community around the world

Our IBJ Alumni Community around the world

Connect. Engage. Network.

Connect. Engage. Network.

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Internships at IBJ usually last 3 to 6 months. 1 year internships are also possible.

IBJ is flexible, but prefers full-time interns, particularly during the summer period. A typical workweek for a full-time intern will be around 40 hours. Part-time interns usually work around 20 hours per week.

Monthly rental charges vary widely in Geneva from 700 to 1200 CHF. Depending on how often you eat out, food may cost around 300 to 600 CHF per month. As an intern, you can expect to pay 45 CHF for public transportation, and 70 CHF if you are 25 or older. You may need to plan for additional costs such as day trips.

We welcome international applicants throughout the year. We look for students with relevant educational, personal or professional experience.

IBJ follows the Covid-19 policy of the country where you stay for your internship.

If you have any questions that have not been answered in the internship FAQs, you can contact opportunities@ibj.org.