I have been working in Kisumu, Kenya with CLEAR(Christian Legal Education Aid and Research)-Kisumu, a JusticeMaker project, for three weeks now. I have been waiting patiently for excellent internet so that I can upload a real slideshow, but the fast internet has yet to come. So here is a smaller sampling of the projects the JusticeMaker project is participating in as well as some shots to help explain the atmosphere for human rights violations by looking at failing industries, abandoned children in orphanages and remand homes, victims of police violence, and the aftermath of the post-election violence in Kisumu.
Besides taking pictures, I have been doing a lot of planning on visiting important parts of the culture of human rights in Kenya. Humera and I will be touring the Kakuma refugee camp near the Sudan border for a week, going on a safari to experience what tourism means to Kenya, since it is such a vital part of the economy and of the international perspective of Kenya, visiting large farms and apiaries, hanging out with more children at orphanages, visiting all the other CLEAR offices in Kenya to get a wider view of the work being done and the work that needs to be done, visit churches and other religious services to help with our understanding of faith and morality in Kenya, and visit as many government, UN, and NGO offices as possible to interview and discuss political and human rights issues in Kenya.
CLEAR-Kisumu JusticeMaker Peter Onyango discussing with a client’s parents at Oyugis Court House.
Peter catching some rest after a long morning traveling to pro-bono court cases.
Outside of the Oyugis Court House
Matatu ride back from early morning court visit with Peter from the CLEAR-Kisumu JusticeMaker project.
Students at a local Kisumu secondary school participate in law clubs organized by the CLEAR-Kisumu JusticeMaker’s Project.
Local cow, while travelling to Usenge with Joan Neto, an advocate who does work for the CLEAR-Kisumu JusticeMaker’s Project. Neto is helping a local man named Henry Kissinger provide legal advice to the community and she helps him organize his legal documents. Kissinger runs a community center in Usenge, which brings internet and computers to the locals and teaches sustainable farming practices in the wake of the dying fishing industry. Usenge is historically completely economically entwined with the fisheries. Through Kissinger’s Vision 2015 plan he hopes to change that, making Usenge a tourist destination.
Henry Kissinger’s 104 year old grandmother insisted that I take her picture in this pose.
Here is where I make the departure from black and white to color. I still made the black and white editions, but just decided against it. A thunderstorm brewing outside the CLEAR-Kisumu JusticeMaker’s Project office.
Heavy rains down mainstreet Kisumu.
Thunderstorm outside the CLEAR-Kisumu JusticeMaker’s Project office.
Dennis Okore, a communications intern for the CLEAR-Kisumu JusticeMaker’s Project, sits outside the office as a storm approaches.
Children at the Kisumu Children’s Remand Home celebrate the day of the African Child. CLEAR-Kisumu JusticeMaker’s Project represents some of the children in court and was a sponsor of the event, which celebrates the rights and freedoms of African children.
Children at the Kisumu Children’s Remand Home line up for lunch.
Accounting for all the children at the Kisumu Children’s Remand Home.
Children participate in games at the Day of the African Child celebrations at Kisumu Children’s Remand Home.
The inner courtyard of Kisumu Children’s Remand Home, where the CLEAR-Kisumu JusticeMaker’s Project represents some clients and assists with legal advice.
The inner courtyard of Kisumu Children’s Remand Home, where the CLEAR-Kisumu JusticeMaker’s Project represents some clients and assists with legal advice.
Kenyan President Mwai Kibaki hangs in almost every business and government office.
Church outside Kisumu City. Religion and faith play very important roles in Kenya and you need to always keep them in the back of your mind.
Child at the New Life Hope Orphanage for 0-4 year olds. Members of the CLEAR-Kisumu JusticeMaker’s Project volunteer and visit here to help take care of the babies.
A victim of post-election violence in Kisumu. For weeks after the elections, Kisumu was constantly be burning and many major businesses were destroyed. All matters in the town came to a standstill, the streets were unsafe because of rioters and police and supplies of water and food were hard to come by.
A protestor at a demonstration against the police violence during the post-election violence. This protestor had his business destroyed as well in the conflict.
A tree at Hippo Point, Kisumu.
JusticeMaker Joy Mdivo receives her award in person from Sanjeewah.
Sanjeewah announcing that Evans is the newest JusticeMaker.
Evans at his small farm after winning the JusticeMaker competition.
A young boy carrrying water on his bike in Ukwala, a small town where the CLEAR-Kisumu JusticeMaker’s Project is working with local chiefs to organize a future legal education program in the community.
A young girl in Ukwala.
This man met me after I woke up at 5 in Ukwala to get on a motorbike for 25 minutes to go to the Nzoia river for sunrise.
The Nzoia River before dawn outside Ukwala.
Fishermen on Lake Victoria work through the night outside Usenge. The fishing industry is extremely important to coastal communities like Kisumu and Usenge, although Kisumu’s fisheries are almost completely depleted due to overfishing and the Hyacinth invasive plant. These men work through the night because they need the money, not because that is the best time to fish. Many of the men have large families and are unable to pay school fees.
Fishermen on Lake Victoria around 4 am.
The fish cover the bottom of the boats.
Fishermen working through the night on Lake Victoria.
Usenge Beach during the morning fish market.
Birds wait patiently for their chance at the fish.
Lake Victoria fishermen at Usenge Beach.
Lake Victoria fishermen at Usenge Beach.
Lake Victoria fishermen at Usenge Beach.
Beauty “Saloon” inside a women’s prison in Eldoret. Another branch of CLEAR works in the Eldoret prisons also giving legal advice and pro-bono representation.