Since the launch of the 2010 Asia JusticeMakers Competition, our partners have done an amazing job at promoting the fellowship throughout their communities. They have translated and published press releases in prominent media outlets, hosted launch events and conducted extensive grassroots outreach campaigns. In the following paragraphs, I will highlight particularly amazing accomplishments of some our partners.

Be in Vision Pakistan and Pakistan Lawyers Foundation (PLF)

Be in Vision Pakistan and the PLF, JusticeMakers partners in Karachi, Pakistan, have worked in tandem to promote the competition. They have done outreach in the media, promoted at workshops they hosted and posted information in densely populated and critical areas such as the court house and city hall.


On February 10, The Frontier Post, a widely circulated English newspaper in Pakistan, published the JusticeMakers Press Release with the help of Be in Vision Pakistan and the Pakistan Lawyers Foundation.


The team from Be in Vision Pakistan and Pakistan Lawyers Foundation stand in front of their JusticeMakers banner at the Karachi Bar Association workshop they hosted. 

Pine Tree

Pine Tree is a social justice NGO in La Trinidad, Philippines that focuses on the environmental and cultural rights of indigenous peoples. On January 27th, the launch date of the competition, they hosted an event to raise awareness about the JusticeMakers competition and criminal justice issues. There were 46 participants from both the government and non-governmental sectors, media coverage and student observers from local universities. According to Michael Bengwayan, president of Pine Tree, the event was “lively and participants were enthusiastic. It was very informative and raised a lot of curiosity. In the end, lots of interesting ideas emerged!”

Legal Rights Forum Pakistan

Legal Rights Forum is another criminal justice NGO in Karachi, Pakistan that focuses on providing legal aid and legal rights education. They posted flyers and informational packets in over 60 Bar Associations and Legal Societies throughout Pakistan. They sent over 500 SMS messages to lawyers and NGO officers promoting the competition. In early February they conducted multiple round table discussions highlighting JusticeMakers and facilitated a lecture in a LLM University classroom.

Karachi Bar Association Event

Legal Rights Forum of Pakistan (LRF) hosted a JusticeMakers Launch Event at the Karachi Bar Association, where hundreds of lawyers were in attendance.

Karachi Bar Association Event

Legal Rights Forum of Pakistan (LRF) hosted a JusticeMakers Launch Event at the Karachi Bar Association, where hundreds of lawyers were in attendance.  


Malik Tahir Iqbal, the Founder and Chairman of LRF, gives a lecture to students at the Sindh Muslim Law College in Karachi, highlighting the JusticeMakers Fellowship. 

Translated Press Releases

When we released a press release announcing the 2010 JusticeMakers Competition, we originally only had it an English-language version. However, with the help of our JusticeMakers Partners were were able to get it translated in the following languages: Urdu, Hebrew, Bahasa, Pashto, Taglog, Mongolian, Thai, Nepali, and Russian. If you would like any of these versions, please email JusticeMakers Project Coordinator Liam Hanlon at

Once again, thanks to all our partners for their support and dedication in bringing this opportunity to communities throughout Asia. More updates will be coming soon!