On Friday, November 15, China released its decision on the future of nationwide reform, stemming from the Third Plenum of the 18th Central Committee of China’s Communist Party. Among the positive changes foreseen by the document are the strengthening of the rule of law, the enhancement of rights protections, and an increase in open trials. In particular, the party document emphasized the need to continue to reduce torture and abuse in the legal system as well as provide mechanisms to overturn wrongful convictions. The important role of lawyers and other judicial actors in these endeavors was also emphasized. According to the document, better guarantees are to be put in place to protect lawyers and legal aid should be strengthened. Raising legal awareness among all citizens is also to be a priority. In a move designed to increase fairness and faith in the legal system, greater standardization is to occur in areas such as detention, custody, sentencing, and bail. Professionalization and restructuring of the judiciary is also set to continue in the upcoming years. Other notable decisions in the justice sector are a move to further reduce the number of crimes subject to capital punishment and the elimination of the re-education through labor system.