From the 7th to the 9th of December, Gautier Zomissi represented International Bridges to Justice at the annual convention of the CIB (Conférence internationale des barreaux – The International Bar Association Conference). Mr. Zomissi is a lawyer in Cameroon and a 2011 IBJ JusticeMakers Fellow.
Speaking at the General Assembly, Mr. Zomissi introduced the 2017 JusticeMakers Competition and IBJ’s work in francophone Africa to over 1,000 lawyers, bar association representatives, young legal professionals, and CIB members from dozens of countries that share the French language and a common judicial tradition. IBJ is grateful to the CIB’s valuable support, and hopeful that this new partnership opens the way towards deeper collaboration for our organizations’ shared objectives in the realm of access to justice.
The CIB is a promotional partner of the 2017 JusticeMakers Competition.
Read the CIB’s article on the JusticeMakers Competition here.