Access to justice and the rule of law are the very bedrock of a stable society. Without it, nations will neither grow nor flourish. It is a core human right that sadly, is not a given. These rights are a hard fought for consensus between nations based on the shared values and principles of freedom, dignity, equality and mutual respect, across all cultures, religions and philosophies. They are vital to uphold and champion, and provide us with a framework to hold entities accountable, but also the building blocks to bring about a justice, harmony and prosperity for every member of the human family.

The Justice Hub Platform

The JusticeHub advances UN Sustainable Development Goal 16, “…to provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels.”  Accordingly, the JusticeHub is a virtual solution hub for the justice eco-sphere. Participate in real time collaborations with other legal defenders and join a dedicated community of practice and work together with colleagues from across the world. Whether you are a judge, prison official, civil society member, government minister or lawyer, you will find resources and community at the JusticeHub.

Have a justice-related query? Crowdsource an answer. Have a justice project? Connect to a partner. Want defender training? Check out our eLearning platform. Need resources? Peruse the Justice Library. Have resources to share? Upload them and a JusticeHub Moderator will review and file them on our virtual library shelves.

The JusticeHub: Global justice solutions just a click away.

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