Today, January 27th, we are officially launching the 2nd Annual JusticeMakers Fellowship Competition. International Bridges to Justice wanted to pay tribute to our wonderful group of JusticeMakers Partners-a variety of generous non-profit and legal organizations-whose goodwill and commitment has been and is still key to realize the promise of JusticeMakers.

This group of 56 partners is as diverse as it is large, covering over 30 countries and advocating for an array of issues. Collaborating with IBJ, they have used both online and offline promotional tools to bring this opportunity into their local legal communities and facilitate participation.

These organizations have stood up among others to say “no” to torture and illegal and arbitrary detainment in developing and transitional countries. An act of generosity, an act of solidarity and an act of strength.

The following JusticeMakers Partners have done an especially diligent job at generating enthusiasm for the competition and getting their communities involved.

Prisoners Assistance Nepal

Prisoners Assistance (PA) Nepal, a non-profit organization dedicated to penal reform in Nepal, hosted a JusticeMakers event on January 22nd in Kathmandu, Nepal. Collaborating with other JusticeMakers Partners in Nepal-Advocacy Forum, Committee for Social Justice and Women Foundation of Nepal-PA Nepal coordinated roundtable discussions and information sessions to present this Fellowship to legal and human rights activists in the region.

Qadir Foundation

The Qadir Foundation, a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting human rights in Pakistan, has helped get our press release translated into the hands of many influential newspapers in Karachi and other parts of Pakistan. In addition, the Qadir Foundation has translated the press release into Urdu, helping to get it published in many Urdu media outlets.

Lembaga Bantuan Hukum Masyarakat (LBH Masyarakat)

LBH Masyarakat

LBH Masyarakat is a community legal aid institute providing legal services and counsel to those in need in Indonesia. They have taken it upon themselves to promote JusticeMakers to their vast contact list of legal aid NGOs and media personnel in Indonesia, and to translate documents in Bahasa Indonesian.

If I were to detail the extent of support given by each partner, this blog would exceed the limit of acceptable length. That is what has been so special about the 2010 Competition – every partner has voluntarily gone the extra step to ensure this opportunity is available to anyone that could benefit from it.

Please check out our JusticeMakers Partners Page to learn more about the commitment of our generous partners to systemic social change.

Thanks again to everyone who continues to fight injustice wherever it may be. Justice can’t wait.