IBJ is proud to announce that three bar associations within Syria have officially adopted the IBJ Syria Defender Manual as a core legal education resource. The IBJ Syria Defender Manual, the first of its kind for the country, will continue to help Syrian lawyers to provide quality legal representation to vulnerable individuals in Syria. Three bar associations in Syria — Aleppo, Homs, and Hama — have recognized the Defender Manual as a “scientific reference for lawyers … and for those who are interested in [studying] the law and criminal justice.” These three bar associations will use this manual as a key document to train lawyers on fundamental rights of the accused, duties, rights and the responsibilities of the defense lawyer, and representing clients traumatized by torture.

Members of the Defender Manual Review Committee

Muhammad Bakri, IBJ’s Syria Program Coordinator noted, “this is such a huge milestone for IBJ Syria and the Syrian legal community. It shows that we are making a positive impact on the lives of ordinary Syrians not only today, but for years to come as an entire generation of lawyers will receive this valuable information and put it to good use.

IBJ’s Syria program was launched in November of 2017. Despite the tenacious efforts of pro bono lawyers in Syria, thousands of vulnerable Syrians are deprived of legal protection. IBJ has been actively working with and supporting Syrian lawyers (using resources like the IBJ Syria Defense Manual) across the country to ensure that every woman, man and child accused of a crime is judged fairly in a court of law and reduce instances of abuse during detention.

The Committee of Lawyers that Reviewed the Syria Defender Manual 

About International Bridges to Justice (IBJ)

Founded in 2000 by Karen Tse — an American lawyer and ordained minister — International Bridges to Justice is a nongovernmental organization that seeks to guarantee all individuals the right to competent legal representation, the right to be protected from cruel and unusual punishment, and the right to a fair trial. IBJ currently has country programs in Burundi, Cambodia, China, Democratic Republic of the Congo, India, Mexico, Myanmar, Rwanda, Sri Lanka, Syria, and Zimbabwe.

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