Pawinee Chumsri, THAILAND

Pawinee Chumsri of Thailand

Pawinee Chumsri of Thailand

About Pawinee

Ms. Pawinee Chumsri is a Legal Assistance and Litigation Manager with Thai Lawyers for Human Rights (TLHR). She holds a Bachelor and Graduate of Law degree from Thammasat University, Thailand. Pawinee’s experience in human rights litigation includes cases from the Thailand Southern Conflict (2005-2014) and Martial Law and National Commission Peace and Orders’s Declaration.

The Challenge

On May 22, 2014, the National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO) seized power in Thailand, resulting in a coup. By June 4, 2015, at least 751 individuals had been summoned, and at least five people had been indicted for violating Article 112 of the Criminal Code (lèse-majesté). Consequently, 71 public events and discussions were subjected to military intervention. Eighteen civilians reported to TLHR that they had been subjected to torture while in custody, and 172 individuals were tried in military court. Martial law was imposed nationwide two days prior to the coup, and in late July, the NCPO promulgated a new, temporary charter, the 2014 (Interim) Constitution, which removed any legal restrictions on the NCPO and provided it with absolute immunity, in violation of international law. This is of great concern as most of the accused were denied their rightful legal representation.

The Innovation

Pawinee’s project tackled this challenge by providing access to basic legal assistance via a human rights hotline center. She and her team also litigated strategic cases and documented human rights violations under military rule to reinforce protection for civilians in vulnerable circumstances.