Arianne Reyes of the Philippines

Arianne Reyes of the Philippines

About Arianne

Ms. Arianne Reyes holds a Juris Doctor Degree from University of the Philippines College of Law and a Master of Law Degree from New York University School of Law. She currently works as a consultant for the Department of Transportation and Communication in Mandaluyong. She has also served as the Research Editor of the Southeast Asia Tobacco Control Alliance, as a consultant at the Senate of the Philippines, and as an attorney with the Office of the President of the Republic of the Philippines.

The Challenge

In the Philippines, there is a gap between existing legislation that concerns children in conflict with the law and its actual implementation. A recent study shows that law enforcement officials often are unaware or have limited understanding of their role in the prevention, rehabilitation and reintegration of children in conflict with the law. There is a need to fill this gap and raise awareness of juvenile justice. 

The innovation

Arianne and her team addressed the challenges faced by children in conflict with the law through several key initiatives. They created a short instructional video and materials to illustrate the needs of these children and are currently gathering additional material and involving interested individuals in the cause. They trained social workers and paralegals on implementing the legal rights of children and youth in relevant cases, and coordinated with the Juvenile Justice Welfare Council (JJWC) for workshop scheduling, although progress was delayed by the congressional proposal to lower the minimum age of criminal responsibility.

Their social media campaign has been particularly successful, establishing an account with over 4,500 followers and engaging viewers with relevant news articles, graphics, and advocacy efforts against lowering the minimum age of criminal responsibility. They have maintained communications with psychologists and juvenile justice welfare advocates.

In terms of collaborations and outreach, Arianne’s team established contact with the Office of Senator Kiko Pangilinan and the JJWC, interviewed psychologists, and visited Davao City, a model youth care facility. They were also invited to speak to high school students about the Juvenile Justice Welfare Act. Additionally, they are in the final stages of developing a juvenile justice website that will serve as a comprehensive resource on the Philippines’ Juvenile Justice Welfare Act for advocates and researchers.