Partners aid IBJ and the JusticeMakers Competition by promoting the competition within their organizations, as well as increasing awareness within their local communities. IBJ supports partners by providing all promotional materials necessary to reach out to interested parties.
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Promotional Partners

LAWASIA has operated as a platform to promote the cross-jurisdictional exchange of legal knowledge for over 50 years; as a voice of the legal profession; and as a conduit for encouraging adherence to mutually-held principles of the rule of law, professional integrity and the protection of human rights.

CIB is a structure for cooperation between the Bar Association of countries of common legal tradition, that is to say essentially the French-speaking Bars. It groups Bars which affirm an ideal of independence and whose governing bodies are democratically appointed by the lawyers themselves. Respecting the autonomy of the Bars, it aims to help them in their action with a view to developing a rule of law in each of their countries, it also intends to implement the concept of the universal character of Human Rights and in particular, the Rights of Defense.

Equitas is human rights education organisation based in Montreal. They work for the advancement of equality, social justice and respect for human dignity through transformative education programs. In the last 50 years, they have reached over 2 million people worldwide.

The Youth Association for Development (YAD) is a civil society initiative based in Loralai, Baluchistan and whose roots lie with a core of volunteers in different districts of Baluchistan. YAD is a multi-sector development organization working on participatory development approach to bring long term change & sustainable development in the society.

The Fast Rural Development Program (FRDP) is a non-profit and nongovernmental organization, registered under the societies Act XXI of 1860, working in the rural areas of Sindh, Pakistan. The Program is aimed at facilitating the rural communities in a way that they can be empowered to secure their rights with command over the resources and capabilities to manage the process of sustainable development. FRDP is involved with overall integrated rural development but her major focus is to promote Health & Hygiene, Relief support activities, improve Education status to support the target of Universal Primary Education (UPE) goal, Poverty Alleviation, Rights protection, Water and Sanitation and Capacity Building in Sindh province.

The National Youth Council(NYC) was set up by the Singapore Government on 1 November 1989 as the national co-ordinating body for youth affairs in Singapore and the focal point of international youth affairs. NYC believes in a world where young people are respected and heard, and have the ability to influence and make a difference to the world. Together with their partners, they have developed a dynamic and engaging environment where young people can realise their aspirations and play a part in making Singapore an endearing home for all.

Levi Strauss Foundation drives pioneering change by funding programs that push the frontiers of possibility around the world. Through their grantmaking around the world, they focus on making a difference on three issues – HIV/AIDS, Asset Building and Workers Rights. They also support programs that advance the fields of philanthropy and human rights. Their philanthropic work is grounded in the enduring values of Levi Strauss & Co.: originality, integrity, empathy and courage. They are committed to bringing those values to life while leading at the forefront of change.

AIDSPortal is a global initiative that aims to facilitate greater knowledge sharing and networking among organisations involved in the response to HIV and AIDS. They work towards this vision through two strategies: First, by building the capacity of partner organisations that share their vision, and second, by maintaining an information hub and acting as an information facilitator in areas where they do not yet have partnerships. AIDSPortal currently has regional partnerships in Southern Africa, Eastern Africa and Latin America.

Red Argentina para la Cooperación Internacional Among its main objectives, the RACI looks to develop and optimize the capacities and resources of Argentine Civil , through the strengthening of their capacities and the collaboration among institutions to capitalize the international cooperation opportunities. Furthermore, RACI aims to serve the International Cooperation Agents as a trustworthy and valid source of information, through the civil society organizations, that have expansive work and in-country experience in solving diverse problems.

NABUUR – The Global Neighbor Network is an online volunteering platform that links Neighbours (online volunteers) with Villages (local communities) in Africa, Asia and Latin America. Connected through, Neighbours and local communities learn about each other, share ideas and find solutions to local issues.

i-Genius is an online community that seeks to stimulate fresh thinking and bright ideas, and inspire a new generation to become ‘social entrepreneurs’. i-Genius also seeks to stimulate partnerships between their members and to support them by developing partnerships with established organisations (corporations, NGOs, government, media).

Funds for is an online initiative, working for the sustainability of NGOs by increasing their access to donors, resources and skills. It uses online technologies to spread knowledge about organizational sustainability, promote creative ideas for long-term generation of institutional funds for development interventions, improve professional efforts in resource mobilization and advocate for increased allocation of donor resources for building the skills and capacities of NGOs.

Centro Latinoamericano de Administración para el Desarrollo (CLAD) is an international, inter-governmental organization which has affiliates in all Latin American countries, as well as in Spain and in several Caribbean nations. CLAD’s principal mission is to provide assistance to organizations involved in public sector reform and to promote modernization of Public Administration. The CLAD data base hosted on LANIC contains over 1,000 bibliographic records, including abstracts, covering documents, books, and articles published on the public sector, reform of the state, and related themes.

Prison Reform Trust works to ensure that the state of prisons in the UK reflects a just, humane and effective system. The Prison Reform Trust believes that prison should be reserved for serious offenders, that prisoners should be treated with humanity and have access to clear information and representation, that the Prison Service should provide constructive regimes in decent, safe conditions, and that imprisonment should remain the ultimate responsibility of the state to safeguard prisoners’ human rights.

AVERT AVERT’s Community Programme supports and builds partnerships with local organisations who are working to directly avert the spread of HIV & AIDS, and to improve the treatment, care and support of people infected with, or affected by HIV/AIDS. AVERT’s current HIV & AIDS projects & partnerships are taking place in southern Africa, particularly in areas where there are extremely high rates of HIV infection. AVERT also provides a wide range of information to educate people about HIV/AIDS across the world through their popular and comprehensive website community. AVERT’s Information and Advocacy Service also provides help and advice to the general public through specific enquiries, as well as campaigning for improved responses on specific issues, such as preventing children being born with HIV.

Howard League for Penal Reform is the oldest penal reform charity in the UK. It was established in 1866 and is named after John Howard, one of the first prison reformers. The Howard League for Penal Reform is entirely independent of government and is funded by voluntary donations. The Howard League for Penal Reform works for a safe society where fewer people are victims of crime. They believe that offenders must make amends for what they have done and change their lives, and that community sentences make a person take responsibility and live a law-abiding life in the community.

Abusua Foundation The mission of Abusua Foundation is to foster youth participation in governance and development issues in Ghana by building capacities and capabilities, and creating second chances. Their vision is to create opportunities for young people (locally and internationally) to learn, share and develop skills necessary for personal growth and communal wealth.

Aids Law Project SECTION27 was established in May 2010. It incorporates the AIDS Law Project, one of South Africa’s most successful post-apartheid human rights organisations. SECTION27 is a public interest law centre that seeks to influence, develop and use the law to protect, promote and advance human rights. Their activities include research, advocacy and legal action to change the socio-economic conditions that undermine human dignity and development, prevent poor people from reaching their full potential and lead to the spread of diseases that have a disproportionate impact on vulnerable and marginalized people.

Southern Africa Litigation Centre Launched in 2005, SALC represents a joint initiative of the International Bar Association (IBA) and the Open Society Initiative for Southern Africa (OSISA). Based in Johannesburg, SALC promotes human rights and the rule of law primarily through litigation support and training. SALC operates in the following southern African countries: Angola, Botswana, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Swaziland, Zambia and Zimbabwe.

African HIV in Prisons Partnership Network (AHPPN) is an online community of persons with an interest in HIV in prison settings. The Network aims to assist prison officials, public health authorities, members of civil society and national Governments in overcoming the significant challenges linked to HIV in prisons. The AHPPN proposes to be the lead organisation for advocacy and international, national and multi-sectoral cooperation and action, in order to support Governments in their efforts to mount an effective, human rights-based response to HIV/TB in prisons in Africa.

EDUCAF Cameroon forms a global community of people who are committed to fight for the rights and promotion of education for all in Cameroon and Africa as a whole, equal and global opportunities, and social equality and widespread respect. Its aim is to tackle all barriers to social development, economic growth and environmental conservation through its active social engagement with issues of illiteracy, health, environment, communities development and the Global-Gateway project implementation.

Social Edge is a global online community where social entrepreneurs and other practitioners of the social benefit sector connect to network, learn, inspire and share resources. Social Edge is a program of the Skoll Foundation that was inspired by Jeff Skoll’s commitment to connecting people with shared passions.

The World Justice Project is a multinational, multidisciplinary organization which seeks to strengthen the rule of law for the development of communities of opportunity and equity. Its work is being carried out through the creation of a comprehensive Rule of Law Index, the convening of global and regional meetings of world leaders, the provision of seed grants for rule of law projects, and the origination of new scholarship on rule of law issues.

Ms. JD is a nonprofit organization that promotes women in the legal profession and provides an online forum for dialogue and networking among women lawyers and law students in all arenas of the legal profession. Ms. JD disseminates information and fosters dialogue about and for women in the law. In addition, Ms. JD provides summer scholarships to law students working in government or public interest positions, sponsors writing contests that expand the dialogue about key issues affecting women lawyers, and organizes conferences and networking events for women lawyers and law students.

Hispanic National Bar Association (HNBA) is a non-profit, non-partisan organization representing Hispanics in the legal profession. The HNBA serves as the national voice for the concerns and opinions of Hispanics in the community, promotes Hispanic recruitment and retention in law schools, conducts seminars and conventions to provide continuing legal education, and provides testimony before Congress and other executive agencies on Hispanic-related issues.

Inter-American Program – University of the Pacific is an outgrowth of Pacific’s historic commitment to international education and cross cultural understanding. The program includes a bilingual living/learning hall, a cross cultural certificate program, a local Hispanic outreach program, and joint academic programs with Latin American universities.

Global Center for Social Entrepreneurship – University of the Pacific was established in 2006 in the School of International Studies at the University of the Pacific, for the purpose of raising awareness about the field of social entrepreneurship, and to provide academic and experiential opportunities in this field for Pacific students.

Universidad Nacional de Asunción was founded in 1889 is Paraguay’s oldest university. The university boasts 36,000 students and 5,500 professors.

Ashoka is the global association of the world’s leading social entrepreneurs – men and women with system changing solutions for the world’s most urgent social problems. Since 1981, Ashoka has elected over 2,700 leading social entrepreneurs as Ashoka Fellows, providing them with living stipends, professional support, and access to a global network of peers in more than 70 countries. With their global community, Ashoka develops models for collaboration and designs infrastructure needed to advance the field of social entrepreneurship and the citizen sector.

Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) is an autonomous organ of the Organization of American States that has been given the mandate to examine complaints and petitions concerning individual human rights violations. In addition to this, the IACHR observes the general human rights situation in all of the OAS member states, stimulates public consciousness regarding human rights, and organizes conferences to discuss these issues.

American Bar Association Rule of Law Initiative is a public service project of the American Bar Association dedicated to promoting rule of law around the world. The ABA Rule of Law Initiative believes that rule of law promotion is the most effective long-term antidote to the pressing problems facing the world community today, including poverty, economic stagnation, and conflict.

Proyecto ACCESO is a rule of law training and public education program headquartered at California Western School of Law in San Diego. Founded in 1998, Proyecto ACCESO has trained thousands of judges, prosecutors, public defenders, justice ministry officials, private lawyers, law enforcement agents, and community leaders in North, Central and South America.

Centro de Derechos Humanos – Universidad de Chile is a regional academic institution servicing human rights.

Hugh Wooding Law School – Trinidad & Tobago opened its doors to its first students in September 1973. Like the Council of Legal Education’s other Law Schools, the Norman Manley Law School in Jamaica which was also established in 1973, and the Eugene Dupuch Law School, the third Law School of the Council of Legal Education established in The Bahamas in 1998, it prepares students for admission to practice in the Commonwealth Caribbean territories.

Justice For All Organization (JFAO) is a non-profit organization that aims to expand access to justice in both criminal and civil cases to marginalized populations – particularly women and children – in Afghanistan. JFAO’s primary objectives are to strengthen the rule of law, to increase public awareness of human rights, and to provide free legal representation to the indigent, the accused, and the vulnerable – particularly women suffering from domestic violence or abuse. We accomplish this mission by providing legal training, free legal aid and advice, offering legal workshops and seminars, and conducting public human rights awareness campaigns. Headquartered in Kabul, JFAO was founded in 2008 and is led by Afghan judges and lawyers. Judge Mahfuza Folad, who holds a BA in Law and Political Science, is JFAO’s Director.
The following organizations have been particularly invaluable in their efforts to promote previous JusticeMakers competitions. (Click on the links below to read more about each organization.)