Kampong Speu is not an easy place to live. A remote, agriculturally dependent province, it has been suffering from a serious drought for many years. As a result, residents have been seeking new ways...
Sok Chea is sixty years old, and lives in small house in a remote village in between Takeo and Kampot. In his younger days he worked as a barber, but age has made him frail...
On August 3, 2004, in a remote commune situated in Kampong Thom province, Sry Veng’s family and their neighbors were sitting at home and quietly watching what was on TV that evening when three...
February 2015 Pich Sreymom* is an 18 year old girl who was accused of being accomplice to a motorbike theft. Without the means to pay for counsel, she was afraid that her past imprisonment...
Charlène Buisson 17 September 2014 On September 17, 2014, we went to Prey Veng province to visit Theara, a former IBJ client recently released after being acquitted. Theara’s house is only 40 kilometers away...
Charlène Buisson December 2014 On December 9, 2014 Sophal and his wife Thea, parents of three children, have been released from prison. They are very happy about their discharge and being able to see...
IBJ has been providing early access to council in Cambodia since 2001 when Legal Aid of Cambodia (LAC), invited IBJ to join their efforts to rebuild the Cambodian legal system. Since the establishment of...
Un événement de sensibilisation auprès des détenus et des responsables pénitentiaires aux droits légaux a eu lieu à Preah Vihear, au Cambodge. Les femmes et les hommes prisonniers ont reçu un manuel à étudier ; ils...
A legal rights awareness event was held today in Preah Vihear, Cambodia in an effort to educate prisoners and prison officials. Informational posters were distributed to a group of male and female prisoners who were...
Jeanne Salomé septembre 2014 En juin 2013, dans la province de Kampong Thom, Kheng venait de quitter la maison de sa mère à moto lorsqu’il fut arrêté par la police. Ne comprenant pas...