Embedded Documentary Journalism Program

IBJ’s Embedded Documentary Journalism Program allows budding photo and multimedia journalists to work closely with IBJ lawyers and our JusticeMakers Fellows to document the cases of ordinary people trapped by dysfunctional criminal justice systems.

In developing countries throughout the world, systematic human rights abuses disguised as routine criminal processes is a daily reality. The indignities suffered by countless numbers of ordinary citizens accused of crimes amount to a colossal injustice, hidden in plain sight.

Human rights media coverage typically focuses on political prisoners. In an effort to highlight the faces and stories of previously “invisible” ordinary victims, who are often lost in or forgotten by their criminal justice systems, IBJ began an Embedded Documentary Journalism Program in 2008.

Program participants shadow legal aid lawyers as they implement year-long projects and programs, with the eventual goal of weaving these stories into a larger narrative about human rights and the rule of law in criminal justice systems around the world.

If you would like to participate in the program, please email Ramin Hashemi: raminhashemi@ibj.org

Documentary Journalism Projects

Below is a list of past documentary journalism projects.

Brazil 2009 | Michelle Ferng and Danny Thiemann

Michelle and Danny profiled 2008 JusticeMakers Fellow Aziz Tuffi Saliba.

Click here to view Michelle’s photos and here to read her dispatches.
Click here to read Danny’s dispatches.

Michelle and Danny’s photo essay published online on Matador Change.

Burundi 2009 | Nathalie Mohadjer

Nathalie profiled our Burundi Country Program.

Click here to view Nathalie’s photos.

Cambodia 2008 | Jeff Kennel

Jeff profiled our Cambodia Country Program.

Click here to view Jeff’s photos and here to read his dispatches.

Jeff’s photo essay featured on PhotoPhilanthropy.

Cambodia 2010 | Briana Berry and Philip Jacobson.

Briana and Philip profiled our Cambodia Country Program.

Click here to view Briana’s photos.
Click here to read Philip’s dispatches.

Georgia 2010 | Roshan Nebhrajani and Jasmine Van Deventer

Roshan and Jasmine profiled 2010 Asia JusticeMakers Fellow Nana Chapidze.

Click here to view Roshan’s photos and here read her dispatches.

Click here to read Jasmine’s dispatches.

India 2008 | Eric Kemp

Eric profiled our India Country Program.

Click here to view Eric’s photos and here read his dispatches.

Indonesia 2010 | Mar Costa, Michael Kurban and Sam Natale

Mar, Michael and Sam are currently profiling 2010 JusticeMakers Fellow Ajeng Larasati.

Click here to view Mar’s photos and here read her dispatches.
Click here to read Michael’s dispatches.
Click here to read Sam’s dispatches.

Kenya 2009 | Ian Maclellan and Humera Jabir

Ian and Humera profiled 2008 JusticeMakers Fellows Evans Muswahili and Joy B. Mdivo.

Click here to view Ian’s photos and here read his dispatches.
Click here to read Humera’s dispatches.

Ian MacLellan – PhotoPhilanthropy Activist Student Grand Prize Award.

Justice, One Tap at a Time,” Ian MacLellan, The Global Post.

Nepal 2009 | Erik Wilson

Erik profiled 2008 JusticeMakers Fellow Ram Kumar Bhandari.

Click here to view Erik’s photos and here to read his dispatches.

Nigeria 2009 | John Densky

John profiled 2008 JusticeMakers Fellow Patrick Dunkwu.

Click here to view John’s photos.

Philippines 2009 | Taylor Weidman

Taylor profiled 2008 JusticeMakers Fellow Rommel Abitria.

Click here to view Taylor’s photos and here to read his dispatches.

Taylor’s photo essay featured on PhotoPhilanthropy.
Taylor’s multimedia piece profiling Rommel’s project.
Taylor Weidman – Feature at the Anthropographia Exhibition at the International Film Festival and Forum on Human Rights (Geneva, Switzerland)

Philippines 2010 | Ayda Wondemu and Colette Van der Ven

Ayda and Colette are currently profiling 2010 JusticeMakers Fellow Rosselynn Jae Garcia de la Cruz.

Click here to view Ayda’s photos and here to read her dispatches.

Click here to view Colette’s photos and here to read her dispatches.

Sri Lanka 2010 | Gaston Lacombe 

Gaston is currently profiling 2010 Asia JusticeMakers Fellow Harshi Perera.

Click here to view Gaston’s photos and here to read his dispatches.

Gaston Lacombe – Ramani’s Story, published in Sri Lanka Guardian.

Swaziland 2009 | Nicholas Loomis and Walker Gunning

Nicholas and Walker profiled 2008 JusticeMakers Fellow Buhle Dube.

Click here to view Nicholas’ photos.

Click here to read Walker’s dispatches.