Inspiring Defender Excellence
During the Cultural Revolution of the 1960s and ’70s, China’s legal system was completely dismantled. There were no law firms, no lawyers, and no prosecution system. Since then, China has invested heavily in efforts...
During the Cultural Revolution of the 1960s and ’70s, China’s legal system was completely dismantled. There were no law firms, no lawyers, and no prosecution system. Since then, China has invested heavily in efforts...
IBJ promotes bridges to justice. But who is justice for? And what does justice mean? Is it for the victim, to see a guilty person punished? Is justice for the accused, to ensure his...
Published by Chinese Business Review January-March 2013 US-China Legal Cooperation Fund A Legacy of Support for the Rule of Law in China by Anne Phelan In the spring of 1999, when the US-China Legal Cooperation...
IBJ’s National Defender Resource Center in Beijing is in the process of expanding library access for China defenders and IBJ trainers, through a law book donation drive and a bilingual library system for ready...
This past weekend, approximately 55 defense attorneys from Changsha, Hunan Province gathered on the premises of Hunan University’s School of Law to participate in an interactive training with both Chinese experts and IBJ foreign...
This past Thursday, March 29, 2012, International Bridges to Justice organized a roundtable event to discuss the impact and significance of China’s new Criminal Procedure Law (CPL). The event was attended by top Chinese...
This January, as China celebrated the Spring Festival and another new beginning in the Year of the Dragon, Attorney Zhu Changjiang received a phone call early one morning from a familiar voice. Pengpeng, Attorney...
This past weekend, beginning on Saturday, January 7, 2012, as some of the winter season’s first snow fell, International Bridges to Justice (IBJ) held a juvenile defense training seminar in coordination with China’s Democracy...
In conjunction with several other activities relating to National Legal Publication Day, China’s International Bridges to Justice program cooperated with the Shanxi University of Finance and Economics to develop an on-site legal advice forum...
Monday saw the curtain rise on IBJ China’s “Defender Empowerment Series” (DES) program, with a series of lawyers from across the country arriving in Xiamen for a week-long “training of trainers” sponsored by IBJ...