A legal rights awareness event was held today in Preah Vihear, Cambodia in an effort to educate prisoners and prison officials. Informational posters were distributed to a group of male and female prisoners who were...
Charlène Buisson le 17 septembre 2014 Le 17 septembre 2014, Theara, un ancien client d’IBJ récemment acquitté et libéré nous a reçu chez lui dans la province cambodgienne de Prey Veng. Maitre Prak Phin,...
Jeanne Salomé September 2014 In June 2013, while riding his moto home from his mother’s place, a man named Kheng was arrested by the police in Kampong Thom province. He did not understand what...
This week IBJ Cambodia conducted a legal awareness discussion on the rights of prisoners for the detainees and prison officers in Ratanakiri’s provincial prison. Two sessions were held, once in the morning and again...
Intern Solange Pittet sits with IBJ India Legal Fellow Gulika Reddy for International Bridges to Justice’s first official podcast! Visiting Geneva for the annual curators meeting of the Global Shapers Community, Gulika was...
Last Friday, IBJ Legal Fellow Kan Seng Houth met the man he helped free outside the gates of the Kompong Thom Provincial Prison in Cambodia. The young man expressed his deepest gratitude to Houth...
The Defender Resource Center in Cambodia often puts together Legal Rights Awareness events with posters and brochures, radio campaigns, and community education events. On August 8th, 2014 IBJ lawyers and investigators hosted a Legal...
Erika Larsen, Legal Intern July 22nd, 2014 At 16 years old, Vannak found himself being interrogated by two police officers – in fear that if he did not provide a confession for crimes he...
August 2014 Jasmine Wang From June to October 2013, IBJ China held its pilot Series of Training (SoT) in Beijing under its Defender Empowerment Series (DES) project. The SoT is a program of eight...
IBJ lawyers and investigators go to great lengths on a daily basis in an effort to provide legal aid to those most in need. It is critical for our legal fellows to be fully...