In Cambodia, IBJ continues to provide free access to legal counsel to the women, men and children who need it most and otherwise have no access to a lawyer. Through JustGiving, you can now...
Charlène Buisson 17 September 2014 On September 17, 2014, we went to Prey Veng province to visit Theara, a former IBJ client recently released after being acquitted. Theara’s house is only 40 kilometers away...
International Bridges to Justice (IBJ) has been providing early access to council in Burundi since 2006, with the establishment of a Defender Resource Center (DRC) that now covers 9 of the 17 provinces. Since...
Un événement de sensibilisation auprès des détenus et des responsables pénitentiaires aux droits légaux a eu lieu à Preah Vihear, au Cambodge. Les femmes et les hommes prisonniers ont reçu un manuel à étudier ; ils...
A legal rights awareness event was held today in Preah Vihear, Cambodia in an effort to educate prisoners and prison officials. Informational posters were distributed to a group of male and female prisoners who were...
Jeanne Salomé septembre 2014 En juin 2013, dans la province de Kampong Thom, Kheng venait de quitter la maison de sa mère à moto lorsqu’il fut arrêté par la police. Ne comprenant pas...
Charlène Buisson le 17 septembre 2014 Le 17 septembre 2014, Theara, un ancien client d’IBJ récemment acquitté et libéré nous a reçu chez lui dans la province cambodgienne de Prey Veng. Maitre Prak Phin,...
Erika Larsen, Legal Intern July 22nd, 2014 At 16 years old, Vannak found himself being interrogated by two police officers – in fear that if he did not provide a confession for crimes he...
June 2014 Rosemary Hambright Scorned for being poor, a young man in Cambodia found himself at the mercy of a dysfunctional judicial system. Fortunately, IBJ was able to step in and offer legal...
11 June 2014 Jeanne Salomé Mr. Pagna(1) lives in a small village, 30 minutes away from Banteay Meanchey city in the north-west corner of Cambodia. His house made of metal sheets stands close to rice...