Opening Peoples’ Eyes To The Rights
By Vinicius Haesbaert Besides working to provide free legal aid and access to justice to every citizen, IBJ aims at raising awareness of legal issues in the community level. We envision a world where...
By Vinicius Haesbaert Besides working to provide free legal aid and access to justice to every citizen, IBJ aims at raising awareness of legal issues in the community level. We envision a world where...
IBJ India’s monthly prison legal awareness event was held on Saturday, November 30th. More than 300 inmates attended the session, which lasted for about 2 hours. Representing IBJ India was Mr. Ajay Verma, Advocate...
by Charlène Buisson In 2010, a thief came into Mr. P’s house to rob him of 6,500,000 riels (about 1,625 USD) and beat him. The victim immediately went to the police post to file a...
On Friday, November 15, China released its decision on the future of nationwide reform, stemming from the Third Plenum of the 18th Central Committee of China’s Communist Party. Among the positive changes foreseen by...
By Vinicius Haesbaert IBJ-Cambodia held a two-day event in Phnom Penh on September 25 and 26 with all staff, including lawyers, investigators and office administrators around the provinces. Charlène presents HR policies On the...
Contributed by Vinicius Haesbaert This is a special occasion for IBJ-Cambodia. On September 5th, we commemorated our 170th edition of Community Legal Education programs in the provinces in the country! The events started in...
On Saturday 31st August, IBJ India conducted yet another successful legal awareness event in New Delhi’s Central Jail No.4 at Tihar Jail housing mostly undertrial prisoners. The purpose of the event was to raise...
Awareness of legal rights in China, especially in the context of criminal justice, is largely uncharted. Thus any progress, no matter how seemingly insignificant, is valuable if only to discover one’s pitfalls. As the...
Contributed by Sumit Sonkar In yet another endeavor to facilitate, the empowerless IBJ India has reached out to the inmates of Tihar Jail No. 8 on June 5, 2013 in an awareness campaign on...
This past March, Russian JusticeMakers Fellow Tatyana Kochetkova organized a seminar in her country on legal questions related to people living with AIDS. The purpose of this seminar was to attract greater attention from...