Para la versión en Español, haga click aquí. Mabel Jenny Antezana Arispe is one of the winners of the 2011 JusticeMakers competition organized by International Bridges to Justice. She graduated in Law and Politics and post-graduated...
Para la versión en Español, haga click aquí. María de la Paz Martínez Irigoitia is one of the winners of the 2011 JusticeMakers competition organized by International Bridges to Justice. She has been a practicing...
Para la versión en Español, haga click aquí. 2011 JusticeMaker Adriana Patricia Castaño Román Adriana Patricia Castaño is one of the winners of the 2011 JusticeMakers competition organized by International Bridges to Justice. She has...
2011 JusticeMaker Gabriela Vázquez works to prevent the spread of HIV/AIDS in Argentinian prisons. She has organized workshops for security staff, health promoters and inmates and distributed information flyers and condoms.
2011 JusticeMaker Verónica Marisol Quiroga Pando fights discrimination that female detainees face in Bolivian prisons. She also provides legal representation to women in pre-trial detention. Read More...
2011 JusticeMaker Justine Saidi's legal representation of juveniles has resulted in numerous successful outcomes. Thanks to Justine's diligence and perseverance 15 year old M.'s case has been acquitted by the Court of Appeal.
IBJ's 2010 Asia JusticeMaker Bijaya Chanda has managed to give basic legal training to some 1919 pre-trial detainees (known in India as under-trial prisoners, or UTPs) since the beginning of January 2011.
In May 2011, IBJ Volunteer Krishna Gagné travelled to Yaoundé in Cameroon to meet up with 2011 JusticeMaker Gautier Zomissi and his partner Ghislain Tchakount to discuss the progress of their project.
Elchin Abullayev is a Justice Makers fellow based in the former soviet republic of Azerbaijan. A small country, located on the Caspian sea, north of Iran and south of Russian, Azerbaijan has slowly gained...