The project idea shows a potential for being repeated and expanded.
Further Explanation
The underlying model of the project has the potential for growth. The project can be repeated in other legal systems, has the potential to work on a larger scale, and impact more people. The methods will continue to work in different environments, even if the size of the problem gets bigger.
Projects that scored highly exhibit these qualities
The ability to be replicated, the ability to partner with organisations in other communities with similar goals
Examples of projects that scored highly
1) Inmate paralegal training can be replicated in other jails that are administered by the same bureau, and potentially in all jails that have similar structures. As a result training sessions can occur anywhere. Furthermore, the project seeks to improve the system from the bottom up. It seeks to educate prisoners who can thereafter help other prisoners. In such a way – it reaches a higher number of people and maximizes the impact of the program, thereby increasing the effectiveness of the proposal. 2) Proposal seeks to build regional offices which will increase the sustainability of the proposal and paves the road for a potential nationwide network, hopefully translating into a nationwide movement.
Projects that scored poorly exhibit these shortcomings
The project’s methods are focused on one-off events, or a unique set of circumstances. Projects that are focused on a particular legal system that could not be linked to other systems or are overly costly. [Please note: in certain circumstances projects that are focused on a particular legal system may score well in this category if they create well thought out mechanisms that could potentially be used on a grander scale.] The ability to broaden the project’s scope is particular to one immediate area.
Examples of projects that scored poorly
Project to abolish Holding Charge through litigation is costly, based on a one-off decision and is specific to a particular legal system.